When we are no longer able to change a situation we are challenged to change ourselves.

Vik­tor E. Frankl

Living with High Sensitivity


Wel­come to my online con­sul­ta­tion for high­ly sen­si­tive people!

High sen­si­tiv­i­ty is an innate char­ac­ter trait that can enrich life with great depth and ful­fill­ment if we learn to deal with it. How­ev­er, many peo­ple are unaware of their high sen­si­tiv­i­ty or feel over­whelmed or reject­ed with it in their fam­i­ly envi­ron­ment or in our mod­ern world. In my online-work I want to help high­ly sen­si­tive peo­ple in indi­vid­ual and group offers to dis­cov­er and under­stand their own way of per­cep­tion and to assist and sup­port them in unfold­ing their inher­ent potential.

My offer for high­ly sen­si­tive peo­ple includes indi­vid­ual online coun­sel­ing, qual­i­fied online psy­chother­a­py, online group offers as well as online sem­i­nars and work­shops. If you are inter­est­ed, feel invit­ed to send me an e‑mail via the con­tact form if you have ques­tions, if you would like receive my reg­u­lar newslet­ter with back­ground infor­ma­tion, offers and dates or to arrange an appoint­ment for talk with me..

I’m look­ing for­ward to hear from you!

A Chance and a Burden

About High Sensitivity

The con­cept of high sen­si­tiv­i­ty has been first been described by the Amer­i­can psy­chol­o­gist Elaine N. Aron since about 1997, and since then it has attract­ed many peo­ple around the world who can see them­selves in the descrip­tions of this trait and who get a new under­stand­ing of their way of being and feel­ing in this world. The term High Sen­si­tiv­i­ty describes a prob­a­bly bio­log­i­cal­ly based char­ac­ter trait, which is char­ac­ter­ized by a high­ly above-aver­age sub­tle­ty, sen­si­tiv­i­ty and per­cep­tu­al capac­i­ty in both the phys­i­cal-sen­so­ry as well as in the emo­tion­al and men­tal area. It is esti­mat­ed that about 1015% of the pop­u­la­tion are affect­ed. Bio­log­i­cal ori­ent­ed expla­na­tions describe a greater per­me­abil­i­ty for stim­uli in cen­tral per­cep­tion fil­ters of the brain. High­ly sen­si­tive peo­ple dif­fer sig­nif­i­cant­ly from the aver­age of the pop­u­la­tion in some char­ac­ter­is­tics, where­by some of them are gen­er­al­ly expe­ri­enced pos­i­tive­ly, oth­ers neg­a­tive­ly. Usu­al­ly the pos­i­tive traits include a high lev­el of empa­thy, good access to emo­tion­al expe­ri­ences in them­selves and oth­ers as well as a high lev­el of per­cep­tive­ness, good access to artis­tic tal­ents and abil­i­ties, and intu­itive access to spir­i­tu­al expe­ri­ences and insights. At the same time, high­ly sen­si­tive peo­ple expe­ri­ence a state of sen­so­ry over­load much eas­i­er and faster than ‘aver­age peo­ple’. They feel more exposed to sen­su­al, phys­i­cal and emo­tion­al stim­uli and so much quick­er exhaust­ed and at least when it comes to cop­ing with every­day and pro­fes­sion­al tasks often not as effi­cient or pro­duc­tive as oth­er peo­ple. Often they feel uncom­fort­able in larg­er crowds, cel­e­bra­tions or oth­er places with strong sen­su­al inten­si­ty and avoid them, even though there is a usu­al­ly a wish and open­ness for social contact.

Psychotherapy can be one of the greatest and most rewarding adventures, it can bring with it the deepest feelings of personal worth, of purpose and richness in living.

Eda LeShan

Passion for Inner Exploration

About Me

The explo­ration of our psy­cho­log­i­cal struc­ture and the path­ways to deep trans­for­ma­tion and heal­ing is one of my main inter­ests since my late youth, both on a per­son­al as well as on a pro­fes­sion­al lev­el. Fol­low­ing this inter­est I absolved the com­plete Ger­man train­ing as a pro­fes­sion­al psy­chother­a­pist, which means six years of uni­ver­si­ty stud­ies in psy­chol­o­gy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Freiburg as well as a four years full time train­ing in psy­cho­dy­nam­ic psy­chother­a­py at WIAP in Wies­baden, giv­ing me the full recog­ni­tion as psy­chother­a­pist by the Ger­man health sys­tem. With this back­ground after one year of work in a psy­chi­atric hos­pi­tal I had my own prac­tice for psy­chother­a­py in Ger­many for sev­er­al years, work­ing with a wide range of clients, from peo­ple suf­fer­ing from seri­ous men­tal dis­or­ders to peo­ple main­ly inter­est­ed in deep­er inner explo­ration or per­son­al growth.

Next to this I always had a strong inter­est­ed to find out about approach­es enrich­ing this knowl­edge with a wider and more inte­gra­tive per­spec­tive of the human being and absolved train­ings in the two main approach­es of Expe­ri­en­tial Psy­chother­a­py, the Per­son Cen­tered Approach fol­low­ing Carl Rogers and Gestalt Ther­a­py. Beyond for­mal train­ings since my time at Uni­ver­si­ty I want­ed to get to know the whole spec­trum of psy­chother­a­peu­tic work and made a lot of per­son­al expe­ri­ence in most of the exist­ing psy­chother­a­peu­tic traditions.

Beyond all ques­tions of train­ing the fit­ting of ther­a­pist and client is very much a mat­ter of per­son­al res­o­nance and can only be found out in direct encounter. If you are inter­est­ed in my work feel warm­ly wel­come to con­tact me for a non-bind­ing first ses­sion to get to know each other. 

Write Me a Message


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Sebas­t­ian Morhagano | Maitreya Palace | 607080 Auro­ra Vil­lage | Shamb­ha­la | Phone: +12 34567 45678

The best way out is always through.

Robert Frost