When we are no longer able to change a situation we are challenged to change ourselves.
Viktor E. Frankl
Living with High Sensitivity
Welcome to my online consultation for highly sensitive people!
High sensitivity is an innate character trait that can enrich life with great depth and fulfillment if we learn to deal with it. However, many people are unaware of their high sensitivity or feel overwhelmed or rejected with it in their family environment or in our modern world. In my online-work I want to help highly sensitive people in individual and group offers to discover and understand their own way of perception and to assist and support them in unfolding their inherent potential.
My offer for highly sensitive people includes individual online counseling, qualified online psychotherapy, online group offers as well as online seminars and workshops. If you are interested, feel invited to send me an e‑mail via the contact form if you have questions, if you would like receive my regular newsletter with background information, offers and dates or to arrange an appointment for talk with me..
I’m looking forward to hear from you!
A Chance and a Burden
About High Sensitivity
The concept of high sensitivity has been first been described by the American psychologist Elaine N. Aron since about 1997, and since then it has attracted many people around the world who can see themselves in the descriptions of this trait and who get a new understanding of their way of being and feeling in this world. The term High Sensitivity describes a probably biologically based character trait, which is characterized by a highly above-average subtlety, sensitivity and perceptual capacity in both the physical-sensory as well as in the emotional and mental area. It is estimated that about 1015% of the population are affected. Biological oriented explanations describe a greater permeability for stimuli in central perception filters of the brain. Highly sensitive people differ significantly from the average of the population in some characteristics, whereby some of them are generally experienced positively, others negatively. Usually the positive traits include a high level of empathy, good access to emotional experiences in themselves and others as well as a high level of perceptiveness, good access to artistic talents and abilities, and intuitive access to spiritual experiences and insights. At the same time, highly sensitive people experience a state of sensory overload much easier and faster than ‘average people’. They feel more exposed to sensual, physical and emotional stimuli and so much quicker exhausted and at least when it comes to coping with everyday and professional tasks often not as efficient or productive as other people. Often they feel uncomfortable in larger crowds, celebrations or other places with strong sensual intensity and avoid them, even though there is a usually a wish and openness for social contact.
Psychotherapy can be one of the greatest and most rewarding adventures, it can bring with it the deepest feelings of personal worth, of purpose and richness in living.
Eda LeShan
Passion for Inner Exploration
About Me
The exploration of our psychological structure and the pathways to deep transformation and healing is one of my main interests since my late youth, both on a personal as well as on a professional level. Following this interest I absolved the complete German training as a professional psychotherapist, which means six years of university studies in psychology at the University of Freiburg as well as a four years full time training in psychodynamic psychotherapy at WIAP in Wiesbaden, giving me the full recognition as psychotherapist by the German health system. With this background after one year of work in a psychiatric hospital I had my own practice for psychotherapy in Germany for several years, working with a wide range of clients, from people suffering from serious mental disorders to people mainly interested in deeper inner exploration or personal growth.
Next to this I always had a strong interested to find out about approaches enriching this knowledge with a wider and more integrative perspective of the human being and absolved trainings in the two main approaches of Experiential Psychotherapy, the Person Centered Approach following Carl Rogers and Gestalt Therapy. Beyond formal trainings since my time at University I wanted to get to know the whole spectrum of psychotherapeutic work and made a lot of personal experience in most of the existing psychotherapeutic traditions.
Beyond all questions of training the fitting of therapist and client is very much a matter of personal resonance and can only be found out in direct encounter. If you are interested in my work feel warmly welcome to contact me for a non-binding first session to get to know each other.
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Sebastian Morhagano | Maitreya Palace | 607080 Aurora Village | Shambhala | Phone: +12 34567 45678
The best way out is always through.
Robert Frost